Groupon Offers

Currently, we have no active Groupon Offers.

To use your unredeemed Groupon, please do the following:

1. Please find the corresponding service in our Book Services Section and click on "Book Now".

2. You will be prompted to choose your service provider, date, time, etc. Then you will be required to create an account with us and provide a credit card that will stay on file. **This card will not be charged unless the Cancellation or NO SHOW Policy applies**

3. Once booked, you will receive a Confirmation email which contains the link that is in blue lettering (additional info). This link will bring you to the Consent/Waiver Form. This must be completed PRIOR to your appointment.

4. After completion of your service, we will require proof of your Groupon purchase (code) that we will utilize at checkout.

We Thank You for your support of our business and look foward to meeting you!

By Appointment Only